If your child is over 2 years old and they cannot imitate speech sounds, words or actions and do not produce or pronounce words or phrases by themselves intelligibly,they may need help.
A typical 2 year old can say about 50 words and speak in two-three word sentences. By 3 years, their vocabulary increases to about 1000 words and they are speaking in three - four word sentences.
Developmental milestones help gauge your child's progress, but are general guidelines, as all children develop at their own rates. If you are concerned it is always wise to consult a Speech Therapist for a professional opinion.
Here are 10 useful activities to help stimulate speech and language development:
Play sound games e.g. say ba, ba, ba, ma, ma, ma, da, da, da and see if you child can imitate you.
Blow bubble and use it to try elicit words like "pop,"and "more," "all gone."
Use play as a way to teach animal sounds and sounds in the environment e.g " the dog goes woof," "wroom look a car!"
Read simple, colorful, sturdy, single picture word books .
Talk to your child continuously about what you are doing, repeating every day words as you do so, and use simple 2 or 3 word phrases e.g. "lights on," "more juice," " a big teddy."
Frustrate your child a little by not giving in to them every time they point or drag you to what they want. Insist on a vocalization in order for them to get it e.g " you want biscuits?"
Sing songs and rhymes and repeat them. Children learn through repetition.
Use everyday routines to teach vocabulary e.g in the bath teach words like, "cold water," "in and out," "five fingers."
Build on your child's attempts - for example if they say "milk," you say "Yes, bottle of milk."
Teach your child to imitate actions like clapping hands and touching their head and always maintain eye-contact.