A communication disorder will have a less extensive impact on your child's life if you evaluate and diagnose the issues early.
Speech Therapy encompasses a wide spectrum of development in your child, which include feeding, speech and language, social aspects of language and written language.
The following reliable signs will lead you to intervene early:
If you have a baby that is to quiet. They are not making sounds or babbling or responding to noise.
If your toddler is 15 months and has not yet said any words.
If your 2 year old has less than 50 words,
If your 3 year old is unintelligible and you and others have trouble understanding them.
If people think your child is younger then they are because of the way they speak, or because they use fewer words then children their age.
If your child is frustrated because they are not understood or cannot follow simple instructions.
If their play and interactions with others is unusual or inappropriate.
If they stutter.
If by 5 years they still have speech errors.
If they have been diagnosed with a hearing loss, auditory processing disorder, autistic spectrum disorder or developmental delay.
If they are older and struggling with spelling, reading and written language.
If it is recommended by your teacher. Your teachers have years of experience and are therefore very well qualified to identify problems and to refer for your child's benefit, to ensure early intervention. They know what is age and grade appropriate. Listen to your teachers!