Reading to your child is a wonderful bonding experience and is an excellent way to help develop language and literacy skills.
How do you do it effectively?
Choose an age appropriate book with engaging illustrations and a simple storyline. ( look at my blog post-"Read it again mom!!!" Jan 5, 2021, for ideas on age appropriate books).
Find a quiet, cozy, comfortable place to read, without distractions.
Use an expressive voice, vary your tone and pitch and make sound effects to make the story come alive and to keep your child engaged.

Encourage your child to interact with the story by asking them questions or answering their questions. Make predictions and relate the story to their experiences or ask them to tell it back to you. Explain new words to your child to enrich their vocabulary and discuss characters' feelings.
Point to the words as you read to help your child understand that print has meaning and goes from left to right, up to down.
Make it part of your child's daily routine, such as before bedtime.
Model a love of reading by having fun and letting your child see you read for pleasure.
