Modeling can be used for any child in many parent-child interactions and is not only for language-delayed children. The parent is encouraged to model using slow, clear, over articulated speech.
Parents model the word, phrase or sentence they would like the child to develop, rather then correcting it or out-right instructing them on how to say it in a different way.
Avoid using questions e.g.,"What is that?," "Where's the circle?" Rather describe what your child is doing to give voice to your child's thoughts and ideas e.g. if they are building blocks say "up, up, up," or "boom," when it falls.
You can repeat something they say in more detail e.g., if they say, "choo, choo," you can say, "Yes, the train goes choo, choo."
Narrating your actions to provide a model of correct expressive language is an excellent modeling tool as this self-talk provides many models and language learning opportunities e.g., When dishing up food say, "I'm putting the green peas on the plate."
If you want to teach a specific vocabulary word use focused stimulation. In other words, repeat that word may times during your modeling, e.g., "Here is your watering can. The watering can is blue. We will fill the watering can with water and water the flowers."
When your child is learning to communicate you are their best teachers. Talk to them and more importantly WITH them, and always provide lots of positive feedback, especially when they imitate what you have modeled.
