Concept based learning is important as it encourages learning across, between and among different subjects such as science, math and literacy as it is broad enough to encompass all of the subject matter.
Conceptual learning enables children to draw from what is learnt and use it to grasp new topics. Many higher level thinking skills are in play when we understand the logical order in which events occur: time and transitions, cause-effect. This helps children gain skills and solve complex problems and make predictions.
Concepts are knowledge tools that identify, define, explain, analyze and demonstrate real life elements and events.
The temporal concept of 'before' activates a child's prior knowledge and helps set a purpose. 'After' strategies provide students with opportunities to summarize, question, reflect, discuss and respond to text. Both teach the important skill of sequencing ideas.
For children who have difficulty understanding and using basic concepts real objects work best. Make learning visual e.g., lining up toys and asking which one is before or after or asking a child to place an object before or after another.
It's important to practise using the words 'before ' and 'after' when talking to your child so they hear the correct use of the words e.g., ' Do you remember before you go to bed we brush our teeth?' and ' After we brush our teeth we read a book in bed.' This helps to consolidate language concept learning.